Jewel E Ann

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Are you a freak in the bedroom?

No. I'm not. But thanks for asking. 

As promised on my Facebook page a few weeks ago, here are the answers to some of your burning questions for me. 

Q: Will we be getting anymore books from the Knight and Day group?

A. No. Not likely. I love their story just the way I wrote it. Unless ... Netflix calls and wants to make Jack and Jill a series. Then I will kill another charcter or two and stir up trouble. 

Q. Are you going to be at any events on the west coast this year? I'd love to meet you!

A. Sorry, not this year. Here is my schedule of signings for the rest of 2017.

Q. When did you know you wanted to be a writer, and how did you know?

A. Some days I still don’t know if I want to be a writer. The business part of publishing is exhausting, and it’s hard on my self-esteem to be constantly judged/critiqued. Yet, I still do it because the honor of sharing my art with the people who do love it still outweighs the bad days.

Q. Can I come to your house to learn how to make juice? 

A. Yes! I love to play in the kitchen. Friends are always welcome. 

Q. Which of your books was the hardest to write and which was the easiest to write?

A. Jack & Jill Series was hardest to write because it’s so complex, and I had to go to some really dark places to “get into character.” When Life Happened  has been the easiest to write. The story was in my head and the words flew onto the screen so fast my fingers had trouble keeping up.

Q. What will your next book be about? 

A. When Life Happened:

Q. I was wondering if you considered narrating your books yourself?

A. Nope. I don’t like my voice that well.

Q. What is your favorite type of character personality to write? Funny, quirky, alpha, underdog etc.

A. Funny and imperfect. 

Q. How do you come up with characters' names?

A. I used to pull them out of my ass (according to a friend) and now that friend names my characters. 

Q.  From the books you have written, which is your favorite? (if you have one)

A. Jack & Jill Series

Q. If you weren't a writer what would you be doing?

A.  Reading more and wondering why someone hasn’t written one of the stories in my head. I run my husband’s business and homeschool our youngest child. If I weren’t writing, I wouldn’t need anything else to do. 

Q. Would you like to write in any other genre?

A. Not right now. I love romance.

Q. What is your favorite book turned movie?

A. Eat, Pray, Love - Truthfully, I don't have a lot of "favorites." 

Q. What kind of books do you like to read? 

A. Good books. Genre doesn't matter, just take me on an addictive ride and make me feel things. 

List of books I recommend:

Q. Who is your favorite author?

A. I don't have one. 

Q. What is your favorite book? 

A. I don't have one. See the trend? No favorites. I hope it doesn't make me boring. I just love life, and favorites change with each breath. Lots of breaths, lots of favorites! 

Q. Is your name really, Julianne?

A. I'm Jule, pronounced Julie, and my middle name is Ann. 


Thanks for the questions! 

Jewel E. Ann (Jule Ann)